Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Eggplants of Denver: Little India's

I just discovered this post in draft form, meaning that I never completed it -- so here it is, in all its severely outdated glory.

In a trip to my hometown (Denver, CO) several months ago, I returned to one of my favorite restaurants in the area: Little India. Everything they serve is delicious like whoa, and their eggplant dish -- Bharta makhni -- is no exception.

The only problem with blogifying this restaurant is the simple fact that their mood-lighting is so dim that there's no way to take a decent picture. The use of flash makes the whole scene look like a sorority girl's Facebook profile picture, and the absence of flash renders the dish so dark that it looks like a bowl of Mexican mole.

Even if the photographs came out well, Indian food always tastes about 1 million times better than it looks. This eggplant puree is laced with plenty of cream and ghee, a flavorful blend of spices (am I turning into a menu? oh no), onions, garlic, tomatoes and peas. The only thing better in the veggie section of Little India's menu is their Sag Paneer, which achieves a state of creamy amazingness that has never yet been matched for me, even at the famed restaurants in Chicago's "Little India" (the strip of shops and restaurants on Devon St.).

1 comment:

  1. A sorority girl's Facebook profile picture? Incredibly, I know what you mean. Your powers of description have achieved a state of creamy amazingness.
